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Plus d’infos sur Bonawine.net
Genuine Santa Barbara County Wines, Syrah, Pinot Noir | Bonaccorsi Wine Company
Bonaccorsi Wine Company produces limited quantities of Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Syrah rendered in the style and spirit of a small Burgundy domaine. Grape sources are selected carefully from cool areas of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties in California's South Central Coast. Current grape sources include Sanford & Benedict Melville, and Fiddlestix Vineyards in the newly created Santa Rita Hills appellation, and Bien Nacido and Le Bon Climat Vineyards in Santa Maria Valley. At the winery, grapes and wine are handled carefully and minimally in an effort to capture and enhance the combination of grape variety and site. Bonaccorsi's objective is to produce wines that combine concentration with delicacy.
bonaccorsi wine, santa barbara wines, syrah, pinot noir, chardonnay, central coast wines, famous wines

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bonawine.net a les enregistrements TXT suivants:

L’adresse IP de bonawine.net domaine est :

La Geo Location de bonawine.net domaine est :
Ville: Atlanta
Pays: United States of America
Nom du continent:
Pays enregistré:
longitude: -84.42538
latitude: 33.72729
ASN: 22612

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