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Plus d’infos sur Afghanboxcamera.com
Afghan Box Camera Project
The Afghan Box Camera Project by Lukas Birk & Sean Foley provides a record of the kamra-e-faoree (instant camera) which as a living form of photography on the brink of disappearing in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan, box camera, photography in Afghanistan, pinhole photography, camera obscura, old photography, street photography, wood camera, instant photography, paper negative, positive to negative, identity photographs, darkroom, kamra-e-faoree, polaroid, Artist, ethnography, documentary, kickstarter, visual culture, visual anthropology, Central Asia, Lukas Birk, Sean Foley.

afghanboxcamera.com mxrecords

afghanboxcamera.com a les enregistrements TXT suivants:

L’adresse IP de afghanboxcamera.com domaine est :

L’adresse IP Reverse IP de afghanboxcamera.com domaine est : webcluster2.webpod14-cph3.one.com

La Geo Location de afghanboxcamera.com domaine est :
Ville: Copenhagen
Pays: Denmark
Nom du continent: Europe
Pays enregistré: Denmark
longitude: 12.5892
latitude: 55.6802
ASN: 51468
ISP: One.com A/S

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